
  • Μαρία Μαρκέλλα Δ. C++, Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, Python

C++, Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, Python

01/07/2022 - ΕΝΕΡΓΟ

Ελλάδα / Αττική / Αθήνα, 11636


Πλήρης απασχόληση

Έτη Εμπειρίας: Κανένα

/ Όχι / Όχι

Εμφάνιση Τηλεφώνου

  • Μηδενική προϋπηρεσία καθώς ακόμη διανύω τα τελευταία έτη σπουδών μου σε 2 μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα.
  • •Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from the School of Sciences of University of the Aegean of the Department of Mathematics with the grade 6.82 (complimented as “Very Good”) • Post-graduate student at the Department of Applied Mathematical Sciences with a coordinating school, the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the School of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding Mechanical Engineers of National Technical University of Athens (Ntua). Year of introduction 2020-21. The program includes 9-10 courses which I have successfully completed and 1 ongoing post-graduate thesis. • Post-graduate student in the curriculum “Master in Business Administration” (MBA) of Hellenic Open University (HOU). Year of introduction 2021-22
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